Clear Thinking is a non-profit organization with a mission of helping people think clearly about the intersection of science, faith, and reason. This area covers some of the most important topics and questions in existence. What we as individuals think about who we are, how we got here, and what (if any) purpose we have is crucial to our outlook on everything in life.
Being able to think about these worldview topics in a careful, well-reasoned way is all too rare. Effective critical thinking skills that would help us navigate these important topics are often missing in high school and college curriculum and people are often presented with poorly reasoned viewpoints on key questions that arise as science overlaps with faith and reason.

The first tool that Clear Thinking has developed is a robust quote database that allows users to quickly see what experts(from various fields and belief systems) say about a huge variety of topics having to do with the overlap between science, faith, and reason.
We are dedicated to helping you explore how we can view the myriad of important topics relating to science, faith, and reason.
Dozens of individuals have made significant contributions to making the easily searchable quote database a reality. We want to leverage input from grass-roots users like yourself that are willing to help make the database just a little bit better (through the 'Suggest a Quote' feature or helping in another way). While we have a few volunteers that help us consistently, we would really appreciate your help in the effort to make this world class tool even better.